
Diablo 2 best character for the ubers
Diablo 2 best character for the ubers

We will introduce you to the expected strengths and weakness of the Fury Werewolf so you will be able to build the type of character you want to play. Throughout this guide, we will cover everything you need to know to build your Fury Werewolf from the ground up. This guide will teach you to master the Fury Werewolf in all aspects of the game, from leveling to selecting end-game equipment for adventures in Hell and beyond, helping you survive the greatest threats Diablo and his lieutenants have to offer.

  • Check out our Uber Tristram Guide for a more detailed explanation of that process.This Wowhead class build guide covers the Fury Werewolf spec for the Druid class, also known as the Fury Werewolf, updated for Patch 2.7 & Ladder Season 4 in Diablo II: Resurrected.
  • diablo 2 best character for the ubers

    Once he is dead, you can just jump into the center and engage both Diablo and Baal at the same time. Then enter Tristram, lure Mephisto towards the left to kill him by himself. Lure Eldritch and his minions close to the Waypoint and get your Tiger Strike and Cobra Strike charges. Put the Portal to Tristram next to the Waypoint. If you can pick up the final organ, open the Portal to Tristram, and engage an enemy within 15 seconds, this is most efficient.Rinse and repeat until you have all 3 Organs. If your charges run out before you can, find a target to recharge them and progress to the Boss of the area. After you have killed one of the Mini Ubers, you have 15 seconds to pick up the organ, get into the next red Portal and use Dragon Talon on any enemy to keep your Tiger Strike and Cobra Strike-charges up.Switch to Dragon Talon to finish him off.Enter the red Portal to the Forgotten Sands first and engage Uber Duriel with Tiger Strike and Cobra Strike until you have 3 charges of both.

    diablo 2 best character for the ubers

    X% Chance to cast level x Life Tap on striking

    diablo 2 best character for the ubers

    Moser's Blessed Circl (2x perfect diamond X% Chance to cast level x Static Field on striking When a finisher is executed this way, it now refreshes the expiration timer of the stack X% Chance for finishing moves to not consume charges

    Diablo 2 best character for the ubers